Monday, August 22, 2011

So Stressed!

Oh my gosh, this whole thing with wanting to be more productive and going out more and stuff might be backfiring against me.
I'm drowning myself in stuff to do and courses/seminars to take. I'm not even taking the fact that school starts in less than two weeks into consideration anymore. I'm just going all out!

Some of the things I've been up to:

  • I Found a job.
  • Trying to keep aforementioned job.
  • Trying to find more local social activism projects and looking for jobs on movie sets.
  • Reading more books, at least two the same time, yet not finishing any of them. lol
  • I Started taking an SAT course for the test in December. 
  • Taking a "Critical reading/reading analysis of modern Arab texts" themed course.
  • Got accepted to TEDxJaffa happening next month.
  • I'm Going to Amman, Jordan on September 10th to see my favorite band ever, Mashrou' Leila, live in concert. (!!!!!!)
So, to end this short, hasty and lo-o-ong overdue post, here's a live version of one of my favorite Mashrou' Leila songs: (This version features background vocals by Aziz Maraka whom I adore as well, and an amazing band from Cairo called Ressala.)



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